Obstetrician Surgeon Gynecologist
Doctor of Medical School University of Crete
Member of the Medical Association of Heraklion, Crete
Scientific Associate of the Obstetrics - Gynecology Clinic "Mother" Heraklion Crete - Euromedica
Member of the Hellenic Obstetric Gynecological Society
Member of Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology
Member of Hellenic Society of Mastology
Member of Hellenic Society of HPV
Member of Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Greece
Member of Hellenic Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology
Member of Hellenic Society of Reproductive Medicine
Member of Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine
Author of the book: "Optical biopsy of uterine cervix using a multispectral imaging colposcope '.
Member of European Society of Gynecological Oncology
Orfanoudaki Irini was born and raised in Tympaki, Heraklion, Crete.
He is a graduate of the School of Medical Laboratories, SEYP, TEI of Larissa.
As the first excellent student of the department, she continued her studies at the Medical School of the University of Crete, after graduation. She completed her studies with Very Good (1985-1991).
This was followed by her tenure as an agricultural doctor at the Agricultural Clinic of Metaxochoreio and at the Harakas Health Center 1992-1993. She continued her specialization at the 2nd General Surgery Clinic of the Venizelio Hospital of Heraklion 1993-1994.
Due to waiting in the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology, she continued in the Intensive Care Unit of the Venizelio Hospital of Heraklion from 27/4/1994 until 1/7/1996, where she was trained in issues of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care.
This was followed by the beginning and completion of the specialty in Gynecology - Obstetrics at the Gynecology - Obstetrics Clinic of the University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, where he obtained the title of specialty on 30/08/2000.
From 1996 to 2002, she collaborated on her PhD with the Institute of Structure and Laser of the Institute of Technology and Research, with the researcher Mr. Konstantinos Bala for the development and completion of a new in vivo diagnostic colposcope for the early diagnosis of lesions of the woman's lower genitalia.
During these years she was the clinical doctor - researcher - of the development and evolution of the new optical method and technology, which was developed by Forth-Photonics, Technoblast of the Institute of Technology and Research (FORTH) and led to the evolution of the Dynamic Spectral Dynamics method (DySIs).
This collaboration led to the DySIs digital colposcope, the international award "Multispectral imaging. A novel diagnostic tool 'Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. New Orleans 24-29 September 1999.
(1st A ward Scientific Exhibition).
Also in two Doctoral dissertations and in two Master of Science .
In 2005 he was awarded a Doctorate from the University of Crete with the title of Doctoral Thesis' Development and Clinical Evaluation of New in vivo diagnostic methods for the early diagnosis of tissue lesions of the lower female genital system "with 'Excellent' .
In 2007 the book 'Optical biopsy of uterine cervix using a multispectral imaging colposcope' is published in New York '
ISBN 978-1-60021-634-3, with its first and main author . From 30/8 / 2000-30 / 10/2003 he remains an unpaid scientific collaborator in the Obstetrics - Gynecology Clinic of the University Hospital of Heraklion, where he deals exclusively
in the Ultrasound and Prenatal Testing Unit, participating in a number of over 5000 obstetric and gynecological ultrasounds.
At the same time, from 9/29/2001, she opens her own doctor's office in the city of Heraklion and participates as a Scientific Associate at Mother Crete.
The doctor holds a certification in the Diagnostic Colposcopy of the Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. He also holds a postgraduate degree in Human Reproduction from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with an overall success rate of 98.97%.
He is an honorary member of the State of Tympaki.
In 2016, the doctor is trained at the Hellenic Society of Mastology for breast diseases.
The doctor has 22 years of clinical experience in skillfully handling advanced ultrasound machines, explaining in detail the findings during the examination.
Multispect imaging.
A novel diagnostic tool. Helidonis E., Toska A., Koumantakis E., Prokopakis E., Stefanidou M., Kosmadaki M., Karatzanis A., Pagalos A., Orfanoudaki I., Balas K., Themelis G., Papadakis N., Pelekoudas D., Orfanos Y.
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
New Orleans 24-29 September 1999. (1st Award Scientific Exhibition)
Academic Titles - Training - Seminars
'Development and clinical evaluation of new in vivo diagnostic methods for the early diagnosis of tissue lesions of the female lower genital tract'
University of Crete - Institute of Technology and Research. Faculty of Health Sciences.
Medical Department. Certificate Number 341.
Postgraduate training
'Human Reproduction'. Program duration: 9 months (125 hours). Overall success rate 98.77. The program was available in the Academic year 2013 and was organized at the Center for Continuing Education and Training of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the framework of the Complementary Education program using innovative methods of distance education
Certification in performing diagnostic colposcopy of the Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy.
Certificate Number: D 0186
Annual Training Seminars' Europe against cancer 'and' Greece against Cancer '. Athens, 5-9 October 1992.
Seminar. 'Latest views on pediatric urology' Heraklion May 30 1992
Europe against Cancer. Conference - Seminar entitled: Elements of Medical Psychology, through an educational team, in the relationship and information of the cancer patient. Psychiatric Department of G.P.A.N.P.΄΄METAXA΄΄. Heraklion 24/11/93.
Training seminar on: 'Drugs - the problem and its treatment'. Heraklion 22-23 May 1993.
6th Panhellenic Postgraduate Seminar in Gynecological Endocrinology. Heraklion 27-28 January 1996.
Postgraduate Seminar and Practical Practice Laparoscopic Surgery. Athens 24 - 26 September 1998.
1st Panhellenic Postgraduate Seminar in Gynecological Endoscopy. Athens 21-22 February 1998.
9th Panhellenic Postgraduate Seminar in Gynecological Endocrinology. January 30-31, 1999, Heraklion, Crete.
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach of the Infertile Couple. Heralio 10-12 May 2002.
Genetic Counseling & Prenatal testing. Heraklion 17-19 May 2002.
Genetic Counseling & Prenatal testing. Heraklion 18-19 May 2004
4th Pan-European Seminar on Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. Athens 16-17 June 2006. (12 points)
5th Pan-European Seminar on Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. Athens 8 & 9 June 2007. (12 follow-up points)
Colposcopy course: Basic Theory, Demonstration & Hands on Practice, Athens, October 18, 2007, in the framework of the 9th Congress of the International College of Out-patient Gynecology & the 5th Panhellenic Congress for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology, Athens, October 18-20, 2007
Colposcopy course: Intermediate Theory, Demonstration & Hands on Practice, Athens, October 19, 2007, in the framework of the 9th Congress of the International College of Out-patient Gynecology & the 5th Panhellenic Congress for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology, Athens, October 18-20, 2007
Ian Donald Greek Branch: 3rd Advance course of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Athens 8-9 December 2007
Int'I MSRM Workshop on 'New Trends on Controlled Ovarian Stimulation and Ovulation Induction' held on May 3-5, 2008, Heraclion - Crete. EACCME-UEMS with 9 CME-CPD cretids
Colposcopy & cervical pathology seminar. Thessaloniki March 20, 2009
Educational Laparoscopic Seminar on 'Laparoscopic Surgery Basic Course - Level I&II' February 21-24, 2009, Athens - 5 credits from the Hellenic Obstetrics & Gynecology Society
Educational Laparoscopic Seminar on 'Laparoscopic Surgery Seminar Advance Course - Level III & IV Laparoscopic Fibromyectomy-Hysterectomy & Suturing Techniques' 16-20 May 2009, Athens - 5 points of attendance by the Hellenic Obstetrics & Gynecology
8th Athens Colposcopy Training Course. Iaso Hospital, Greece. June 24, 2010. (5 CME Credits)
3rd Gynecological Oncology Seminar. Maintaining fertility in women with gynecological cancer 'Athens, 25-27 February 2011- 5
monitoring points from the Hellenic Obstetrics & Gynecology Society /
23.International Course in Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. November 10th-12th Ioannina, Greece. Congress Center 'Karolos Papoulias', University of Ioannina
24. 12th European Seminar on Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology. Athens 13-14 June 2014
25. Obstetrics Clinical Tutorial: Emergency situations in Obstetrics of the 18th Panhellenic Congress of Perinatal Medicine. Athena
26. 19th Obstetrics Clinical Tutorial: Cardiotocography. 13/10/2017, Athens
27. 19th Obstetrics Clinical Tutorial: Emergency situations at the Obstetrics 13/10/2017, Athens.
28. 7th Seminar 'Perineotomy & Obstetric Perineal Injuries' theoretical part and practical part on 'Perineotomy Rehabilitation΄',
with 10 credits of Continuing Medical Education
Special Scientific Object
From 1996-2002 in collaboration with the Gynecology - Obstetrics Clinic (Director Prof. Eugenios Koumantakis), the Institute of Technology and Research - Institute of Structure and Laser (Director Prof. Costas Fotakis) and in collaboration with the Researcher Costas Ballas , I was the clinician - researcher of the development and evolution of a new optical imaging method and technology that is going to replace the classic colposcopes.
This technology was developed by Forth-Photonics-technoblast of the Institute of Technology and Research (ITE) and led to the development of the Dynamic Spectral Imaging Method (DySIS), which is a pioneering imaging technology for colposcopy with better performance than this an experienced colposcope, but which will be independent of the skills and training of the user.
The technology has already been clinically tested in England and Greece.
During the period 1996 until July 2002 I was in charge of a clinical doctor, in the colposcopy clinic, a subject in which I had deepened due to the nature of my doctorate. In addition to my general training in obstetrics and gynecology, obstetrics and gynecology surgery, gynecological oncology, at the time of my training I was responsible for the incidents of the gynecological oncology clinic, the oncology council of the hospital as well as the family planning clinic and high school planning. miscarriages.
I also participated in the research activity of the clinic and in the educational work, giving courses as a lecturer to the students of the 9th semester of the Medical Department of Crete during the academic years 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000, as well as in the educational courses of trainees. and in the bibliographic information of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the University of Crete during the academic years 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000.
I successfully attended the continuing vocational training program 'Prenatal Testing - Prospects' of a total duration of 80 hours with 40 hours of theoretical training and 40 hours of internship. The program was implemented from 23/11/98 until 2/12/98 within the framework of the operational program 940005 E1 'Health-Welfare' by the Vocational Training Center 'PE.PAGNI' with co-financing of the European Community Fund and the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
Book Writing
Optical Biopsy of Uterine Cervix Using A Multispectral Imaging Colposcope
Date Added: Friday 12 January, 2007Author / Editor: Irene M. Orfanoudaki; George Themelis; Eugenios Koumantakis (Univ. Of Crete)
ISBN 978-1-60021-634-3
Binding: HandcoverPrice: $ 71.10NOVA Science Publishers, Inc.400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600Hauppauge, NY 11788
Organization of Conferences - Speeches
1. "Infertile Couple Assisted Reproduction" April 1, 2000 Medical School of the University of Crete Organizing Committee Koumantakis E, Matalliotakis I, Relakis K, Vardaki E, Trivela M, Martavatzis N, Angelakis E, Goumenou A, Kolimbianakis E, Orfanoudaki E.
2. Ultrasound Pregnancy Monitoring and Prenatal Testing 8th Scientific Conference, November 25, 2000 Medical School of the University of Crete Organizing Committee E. Koumantakis, G. Froudarakis, I. Matalliotakis, K. Relakis, N. Martavardzou, A. E. Orfanoudaki, G. Marakis, I. Pachakis, P. Gasparis, G. Drandakis.
Presiding Conferences
1st Interuniversity Hospital Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology 9-11 September 2005, Sissi, Lassithi.
Participation at the presidency of the Pre-Conference Conference 'Medical tourism and assisted reproduction in Crete' 3/11/2016 at 17:00, Aquila Porto Rethymno, Rethymno, Crete.
"Drugs-Alcoholism-smoking" at Harakas High School in Heraklion.
"Prevention of gynecological cancer and breast self-examination" in Gonies Gedia Pediados, Heraklion Prefecture, within the mobile unit in remote mountainous areas of the Equality Research Center (KETHI).
"Prevention of gynecological cancer and breast self-examination" in Perama, Rethymnon, within the mobile unit of the Equality Research Center (KETHI) in mountainous remote areas of Crete.
"Biological and Psychological evolution of women"
(With special reports on Family Planning, Contraception, Menopause and Osteoporosis).
The speech was given to Profitis Ilias, in the context of the cooperation of KETHI with the Municipality of Temenos. This action was implemented in the framework of the project "Women's Information and Counseling Actions for employment, entrepreneurship and social inclusion" which is part of Measure 5.3. of the Operational Program "Employment and Vocational Training" of the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance and is co-financed by 75% by the European Fund of the European Union.
Speech at the School of Parents of the Communication and Educational Foundation of the Holy Archdiocese of Crete, on "Abortions and abortions".
Speech at the Cultural Center, Experimental Theater Hall, Municipality Heraklion: "The obesity epidemic. Obesity and its effects on our health".
Speech at the School of Parents of the Communication and Educational Foundation of the Holy Archdiocese of Crete at 5 in the afternoon at the premises of the Foundation, 6 Alkiviadou, area of Agia Aikaterini, with the theme: "Biological and psychological approach of women in the phases of her life".
Lecture in the Mother's Seminar Room 19.00-21.00 on the topic: "Intraepithelial neoplasms of the cervix".
Chair: K. Relakis, Eir. Orfanoudaki - Carcinogenesis in the cervix, K. Relakis - Diagnosis and classification, Art. Ποντικάκη -
Therapeutic approach, Ath. Karamani
Informing the public in the media
9/7/2014: Broadcast at the church station 97.5 on gynecological issues and the human warts virus. Coordinated by Ms. Dermitzaki.
Publications in Medical Journals
1. C. Balas, A. Dimoka, E. Orfanudaki, E. Koumantakis. 'In vivo assessment of acetic acid-cervical tissue interaction using quantitative imaging of back-scattered light: Its potential use for the in vivo cervical cancer detection grading and mapping', SPIE-Optical Biopsies and Microscopic Techniques, Vol. 3568. pp. 31-37, (1998).
2. C. Balas, G. Themelis, E. Procopakis, I. Orfanudaki, E. Koumantakis, E. Helidonis, 'In vivo detection and staging of epithelial dysplasias and malignancies based on the quantitative assessment of acetic acid-tissue interaction Kinetics' , J. Photochemistry Photobiology B: Biol. 53 (1999), 153-157.
3. Varveris H., Mazonakis M., Damilakis J., Stefanaki K. Lyraraki E., Kachris S., Orfanoudaki E., Prassopoulos P., Samonis G. Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor during pregnancy.Br J Radiol. 2002 Jun; 75 (894): 543-7.
4. Maraki S, Margioris AN, Orfanoudaki E, Tselentis Y, Koumantakis E, Kontoyiannis DP, Rovithi M, Samonis G. Effects of doxycycline, metronidazole and their combination on Candida species colonization of the human oropharynx, intestinal lumen and vagina. J Chemother. 2003 Aug; 15 (4): 369-73.
5. Orfanoudaki IM, Themelis GC, Sifakis SK, Fragouli DH, Panayotides JG, Vazgiouraki EM, Koumantakis EE. A clinical study of optical biopsy of the uterine cervix using a multispectral imaging system. Gynecol Oncol. 2005 Jan; 96 (1): 119-31.
6. Stavros Sifakis1, Emmanuel Angelakis1, Antonis Makrigiannakis1, Irene Orfanoudaki1, Maria Christakis-Hampsas2, Pavlos Katonis3, Aristidis Tsatsakis2, Eugenios Koumantakis1 Chemoprophylactic and bactericide efficacy of 80-mg Gentamycin in a single and once daily. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2005 Sep; 272 (3) 201-6.
7. Irene M. Orfanoudaki, Dimitra Kappou, Stavros Sifakis. Recent advances in optical imaging for cervical cancer detection. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2011) Jul 29 284: 1197-1208.
8. Irene M. Orfanoudaki. Review article: pulmonary embolism in pregnancy: suspicion, diagnosis and therapy. Obstet Gynecol Int J. 2019: 10 (1) 1: 1-13.
9. Irene M. Orfanoudaki. Pulmonary embolism in the first trimester of pregnancy .. Obstet Gynecol Int J.2020: 11 (1): 23-28.
1. Concurrent platinum and docetaxel chemotherapy combined with external irradiation for patients with transitional cell bladder carcinoma. H Varveris, E Orfanoudaki, D Haldeopoulos, M Mazonakis, D Delakas, P Anezinis, G Metaxaris, S Karabekios, J Damilakis, N Chondros, E Mavromanolakis, G Daskalopoulos and A Kranidis. Departments of Radiology and Oncology, Urologic Clinic, University General Hospital of Iraclion. Radiology 1998, Imaging, Science & Oncology. 1 - 3 June 1998, Birmingham, UK. Supplement to volume 71 of the British Journal of Radiology.
2. A rare case of pregnancy associated with extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma (PNET- Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor). The effort of optimal radiotherapeutic management of the fetus and patients by special shielding techniques. Angelakis E., Manidakis LG, Orfanoudaki E., Barberis H *., Bardaki E., Sifakis S., Stefanaki P., Manidaki A., Koumantakis E. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Heraklion, Crete. * Department of Radiology, University Hospital Heraklion, Crete. European Society of Gynecological Oncology 11th International Meeting 8-12 May / 1999, Budapest, Hungary. Abstracts of European Journal of Gynecological Oncology, pp 117.
3. Genital tuberculosis presenting as disseminated ovarian carcinoma with ascites and raised Ca-125. Angelakis E., Manidakis L., G., Manidaki A., Orfanoudaki E., Magou M., Sifakis S., Stefanaki P., Koumantakis E. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Heraclion, Crete.11th International Meeting of European Gynecological Oncology, 8-12 May1999, Budapest, Hungary. Abstracts of European Journal of Gynecological Oncology, pp117.
4. Prostaglandin versus stripping of membranes in management of pregnancy beyond 40-41 weeks. G Manidakis, S. Sifakis, E. Orfanoudaki, G. Mikelakis, P. Prokopakis, M. Magou, E. Koumantakis. XIV European Congress of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. Granada 29 September - 2 October 1999. Page 79-80, Vol 86 Supplement of European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
5. Vaginal misoprostol for labor induction. Kolibianakis E., Vardaki E., Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Mikelakis G., Tybanidis K., Koumantakis E. 15th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology-EAGO / EBCOG 2000; 21-24 June 2000, Basel, Switzerland. Vol. 91. Suppl.1, S 14, of European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
6. Fetal lung maturation: the effect of combined administration of TRH and dexamethasone in pregnant women. Angelakis E., Sifakis S., Orfanoudaki E., Kolibianakis E., Vardaki E., Manidakis G., Koumantakis E. 15th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology-EAGO / EBCOG 2000; 21-24 June 2000, Basel, Switzerland. Vol. 91. Suppl.1, S 34, of European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
7. Efficacy and side effects of iv magnesium sulfate as a tocolytic agent. Sifakis S., Angelakis E., Orfanoudaki E., Kolibianakis E., Manidakis G., Mikelakis G., Koumantakis E.15th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology-EAGO / EBCOG 2000; 21-24 June 2000, Basel, Switzerland. Vol. 91 Suppl.1, S 33, of European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
Participation in Greek & International Conferences
5th Pancretan Medical Conference. Rethymno, 15 - 18 November 1990.
1st Interuniversity Symposium of Pulmonology on: 'Research in Pulmonology - Past Present and Future' Heraklion October 5-6, 1991.
Multidisciplinary Conference of Surgery & Traumatology Company Of Crete. Heraklion May 9, 1992.
6th Pancretan Medical Postgraduate Conference. Rethymno 12 -15 November 1992.
1st Diabetes Postgraduate Symposium. Heraklion March 27-28, 1992.
9th Interuniversity Medical Symposium under the auspices of the University of Crete. November 17-19 1993.
Pathology Oncology Symposium. Modern Oncology in Medicine Act. Heraklion 15 - 17 October 1993.
Surgical Oncology Today. Annual Symposium 1993. Breast Cancer. Heraklion 1-2 October 1993.
2nd Postgraduate Symposium on Pathological Oncology. Developments in Clinical Oncology of 1994. Heraklion 13-15 October 1994.
Annual Symposium 1994. Surgical Oncology Today. Melanoma and Skin Cancer. Heraklion, 7-8 October 1994
XIX Panhellenic Surgery Conference. Thessaloniki October 30 - November 3, 1994.
8th Panhellenic Congress of Perinatal Medicine. Athens 16 - 17 April 1994.
7th Pancretan Medical Conference. Rethymno 18 - 20 November 1994
2nd Panhellenic Conference of Pediatric - Adolescent Gynecology and Endocrinology with international participation. Athens, 6-9 December 1995.
4th Mediterranean Conference on Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis. Athens 3 - 6 May 1995.
Conference on: 'Nosocomial infections - sepsis- the role of the intravascular catheter '. ΠΕ.ΠΑ.ΓΝΗ. June 8, 1995.
Proceedings of the 3rd joint meeting of the Committee for Nosocomial Infections of Crete on the topic: 'Hospital Pneumonia'. PE.PA.GNI 17th November 1995.
7th Panhellenic Conference of Midwives - Obstetricians. Chania 23-26 May 1996.
8th Pancretan Medical Conference. Sissi - Ag. Nikolaou 24-27 October 1996.
Latest Data on the Prevention and Management of Cervical Cancer. Chania March 29, 1997.
Satellite Symposium on Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Surgery, Heraklion 13 May 1997.
7th Panhellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology with international participation, Heraklion 14-17 May 1997.
1st Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Fertility and Infertility. Athena, 21-23 November 1997.
3rd Panhellenic Congress of Gynecological Oncology, Athens 1-3 October, 1998.
Annual Special Meeting of the Hellenic Obstetrics and Gynecology Society in cooperation with the Pancyprian Gynecology and Obstetrics company. Cyprus 19-20 September 1998.
9th Pancretan Medical Conference, Heraklion 5-8 November 1998.
9th Pancretan Medical Conference: Clinical Tutoring on 'Evaluation of laboratory findings of immunological principle in clinical practice', Heraklion, November 6, 1998.
2nd Conference of the Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. Athens 17-19 June 1998.
Eurogin Advanced Training Course in Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia. Athens, 15-17 June 1998.
Forum Fetal Medicine and Imaging in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Athens, 26-27 June 1998.
Conference on cardiotocography and newer techniques during childbirth. Athens, 19 June 1999.
2nd Annual Symposium on Gynecological Urology. New data in surgical restoration of vaginal relaxation and pelvic floor disorders. Athens, November 6, 1999.
Premature Childbirth-Premature Newborn. Heraklion, 12 February 2000.
Infertile Couple Assisted Reproduction. Heraklion, April 1 2000.
6th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Society of Surgery Oncology. Heraklion, 5-6 May 2000.
8th Panhellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Thessaloniki, 25-28 May 2000.
10th Pancretan Medical Conference Rethymnon, 9-12 November 2000
8th Scientific Conference "Ultrasound Monitoring Pregnancy and Prenatal Testing »Heraklion, Crete, November 25, 2000
2nd Panhellenic Menopause & Menopause Conference. Athens 1-3 December 2000.
'Automatic abortions of immunological etiology' Heraklion 28 April 2001.
Radiation & Pregnancy. Heraklion 5 December 2001.
3rd Conference of the Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. Rhodes 4-6 October 2001.
Prevention and Health Education in Adolescence. Heraklion 10-11 November 2001.
Practice of Ultrasound and Clinical Tutoring of Genetic Counseling in the framework of the Seminar Genetic Counseling & Prenatal testing. Heraklion 17-19 May 2002.
Vaginal diseases. Heraklion October 30, 2002
Contraception latest data. Heraklion 18 December 2002.
1st Panhellenic Conference on Endometriosis. Heraklion 22 - 23 November 2002.
Modern methods of controlling precancerous diseases of the cervix. Heraklion 10 May 2003
9th Panhellenic Congress of Obstetrics Gynecology. Alexandroupolis 29/5/03 –1/6/03
Ovarian cancer. Heraklion 19 November 2003.
Endometrial cancer. Heraklion 10 December 2003.
1st Interuniversity Hospital Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sissi Lassithi 9-11-2005
Early breast cancer minimal treatment. Heraklion Crete 7th and 8th October 2005
Hypertensive pregnancy disease - Preeclampsia. Heraklion 15/2/06
Prevention of gynecological cancer. Thessaloniki 17-19 / 3/2006
Abnormal vaginal bleeding. Heraklion 29/3/06
Scientific Conference: 'HPV - VACCINE FROM RESEARCH TO IMPLEMENTATION' Thessaloniki 27-28 January 2007. (8 points)
'The role of calcium and vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis'. Continuing Education Program in Metabolic Bone Diseases. Heraklion April 25, 2007. (5 educational units)
'Consequences of fracture in osteoporotic patients' Continuing Education Program in Metabolic Bone Diseases. Heraklion June 2, 2007. (5 educational units)
Hematological diseases in pregnancy, Heraklion 20/6/07 (3 educational units)
9th Congress of the International College of Out-patient Gynecology & the 5th Panhellenic Congress for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology, Athens, October 18-20, 2007
3rd Panhellenic Endometriosis Conference & 3rd Endoscopy Symposium. Heraklion 17-19 October 2008 - 10 points from the Hellenic Obstetrics and Gynecology Society
8th Scientific Meeting 'New developments in the prevention and treatment of gynecological cancer' Thessaloniki 20-22 March 2009
Conference: Intrauterine growth retardation. Heraklion, Crete, December 5, 2010
8th Athens Colposcopy Training Course. Athens, Greece, June 25-26, 2010
5th Pancretan Postgraduate Seminar in Obstetrics - Gynecology. Modern Obstetrics and Gynecology of Young Age. 31 / 3-1 / 4/2012. Heraklion Of Crete. 9 credits of continuing Medical Education CME-CPD, EACCME-UEMS
7th Panhellenic Congress of Gynecology Oncology, Athens, 25-27 January 2013, 23 credits of Continuing Medical Education
Menopause: Positions & Controversies. Ten years later ... Heraklion March 29, 2014
From Reproduction to Menopause. Heraklion 11-12 April 2014, 6 credits of Continuing Medical Education
Certificate of Attendance of the conference "Thrombotic and Hemorrhagic Disorders in Obstetrics - Gynecology. Heraklion April 25, 2015. 6 credits of continuing Medical Education CME-CPD, EACCME-UEMS
18th Panhellenic Congress of Perinatal Medicine. Athens 16-18 / 10/2015
Certificate of attendance of the Clinical Tutorial "Cardiotocography of calm and childbirth" Heraklion May 28, 2016
Certificate of Attendance of the conference “Endometrial Hypoxia & Neonatal Encephalopathy. Heraklion 28 May 2016
14th European Seminar on Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology. Athens, 10-11 June 2016 -
Participation in the presidency of the Pre-Conference Conference 'Medical tourism and assisted reproduction in Crete' 3/11/2016 at 17:00, Aquila Porto Rethymno, Rethymno, Crete.
19th Panhellenic Conference on Perinatal Perinatal Medicine, 13-15 / 10 / 2017- 8 credits of Continuing Medical Education.
Assisted Reproduction & Embryo Medicine, 1st Ian Donald Ultrasound course of Thessaloniki's branch. "Certification in Gynecological Ultrasound" Thessaloniki 27-29 April 2018. 20 points (CEM-CPD).
Cardiotocography Day, 26/10/19 Heraklion, Crete. 3 Credits of Continuing Medical Education from EMG ..
Scientific Conference "Research and Innovation in In Vitro Fertilization" Sunday 15/12/2019, HERACLION, Crete.
Certificate of attendance of the Obstetrics Clinical Tutorial 'Cardiotocography' 19th Panhellenic Congress, Athens 13 October 2017.
Certificate of attendance of the Obstetrics Clinical Tutorial "Emergency Situations in Obstetrics" 19th Panhellenic Conference, Athens 13 October 2017.
Symposium of Embryo Medicine "Mother -Plakountas -Fetrico 'Attiko 2-4 March 2018.
ALT'96 on 'Laser methods for biological and environmental applications', held at Herakion, Crete, Grecce, from 20th to 24thMay 1996
Eurogin Advanced Training Course in Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia. Athens, 15-17 June 1998
4th International Congress' The Young Woman at the Rise of the 21st Century: Gynecological and Reproductive Issues in Health and Disease '. November 18 -21, 1998. Athens- Greece
5th International Congress on The Cell Biology of Reproduction Cambridge. UK, 1-3 July 1999
15th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (EAGO / EBCOG 2000) Basel / Switzerland, 21-24 June 2000.
2nd European Congress for colposcopy and cervical Pathology Rhodes, Greece, 4th to 6th, 2001.
The XVIIIth European Congress on Obstetrics & Gynecology12-15 / 5/2004, Athens, Greece.
5th MSRM Annual meeting, April 29, 2006, Crete, Greece
MSRM Diploma course in ULTRASOUND IN GYNAECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE (Part I) during 5th MSRM Annual meeting April 29, 2006, Crete, Greece
5th World Congress of the Fetal Medicine Foundation 2006 Barcelona. 25th-29th June 2006
9th Congress of the International College of Out-patient Gynecology & the 5th Panhellenic Congress for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology, Athens, October 18-20, 2007
20th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology and 18th Portuguese Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lisbon- Portugal, March 4-8, 2008. 27 credits of European external CME credits
Int'I MSRM Workshop on 'New Trends on Controlled Ovarian Stimulation and Ovulation Induction' held on May 3-5, 2008, Heraclion - Crete. EACCME-UEMS with 9 CME-CPD cretids
Int'I MSRM Workshop on 'The Many Faces of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome' 26-27 September 2009, Heraclion - Crete.EACCME-UEMS with 11 CME-CPD cretids
Ninth World Congress in Fetal Medicine and the Eurofoetus meeting. 20-24 June 2010, Rhodes, Greece
'Implantation-Recurent Miscarriages Science and Clinical Aspects' 24-26 September 2010, Chania, Crete, Greece. (EACCME-UEMS with 11 CME-CPD credits)
HPV Associated Diseases and Cancer. From Reality now to the Future. Lisbon, Portugal, May 8-11, 2011 (EAMEC 21 European CME credits)
'Endometriosis- Current Management and future trends' 21-23 October 2011, Gran Melia, Vathi, Agios Nikolaos, Crete- Greece (EACCME-UEMS with 12 CME-CPD credits)
International Course in Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. November 10th-12th Ioannina, Greece. Congress Center 'Karolos Papoulias', University of Ioannina
International MSRM Meeting 'Imaging in reproductive medicine', 22-23 September 2013, Agios Nikolaos -Crete (EACCME-UEMS with 10 CME-CPD credits).
15th World Congress for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. HPV & Genital Tract Diseases. Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow. 26th-30th May 2014.The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center. EACCME-UEMS 24 credits
International MSRM Meeting 'Reproductive medicine across the Atlantic' 19-21, September, 2014 (EACCME-UEMS with 13 CME-CPD credits).
14th World Congress in Fetal Medicine. 21-25 June 2015. Crete, Greece
ΜSRM International Meeting 'How to increase success in IVF' held on September 25-27, 2015 Heraklion -Crete and has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continual Medical Education (EACCMEUEMS) eith 13 CME-CPD credit.
Hot topics in Reproductive Medicine International Meeting, 3-5 / 11/2017 Heraklion Crete, 19 CME -CPD credits EACCME-UEMS.
XV MSRM Annual Meeting Heraklion, October 19-21, 2018. 21 CME-CPD.
SSRHR Meeting 'From Implantation to Early Pregnancy' held on November 8-10, 2019, in Heraklion Crete, 19 CME-CPD.
SSRHM Meeting 'Challenges in Human Reproduction' held on October 30 - November 1, 2020, in Heralaklion, Crete.
"Elastography & Interventional US" 'Breast "during the Euroson School, Athens, January 18, 2019.
"Elastography & Interventional US" 'GYN / OBST "during the Euroson School, Athens, January 19, 2019.
6o HPV Seminar of the Hellenic Society for Papillomavirus Research and Treatment (HPV), Thessaloniki, 16-17 / 2/2019.
Doppler and maternal vascular imaging, via livestream, 24/7/2020, ISUOG.
ISUOG Basic Training Online Course: Fetal Anomalies and Gynecology, via livestream, july 10th-july 11th 2020. In partneship with the Hellenic Society of Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergency.
Announcements in Conferences & Journals
Conservative management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia during pregnancy. E. Hassan, I. Matalliotakis, I. Orfanoudaki, E. Koumantakis. 7th European Congress on Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Book of Abstracts p. 209. 12-13 March 1997, Vienna-Austria
Organophosphate Pesticide Poisonings, the Cretan Experience. A. Tsatsakis, E. Koumantakis, E. Michalodimitrakis, P. Aguridakis, A. Alegakis, G. Troulakis, I. Orfanoudaki, M. Dimopoulou, E. Papavasiliou. 33rd International Congress on Forensic (TIAFT) and 1st on Envionmental Toxicology (Gretox '95). August 27-31, 1995. Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece.
Concurrent platinum and docetaxel chemotherapy combined with external irradiation for patients with transitional cell bladder carcinoma. H Varveris, E Orfanoudaki, D Haldeopoulos, M Mazonakis, D Delakas, P Anezinis, G Metaxaris, S Karabekios, J Damilakis, N Chondros, E Mavromanolakis, G Daskalopoulos and A Kranidis. Departments of Radiology and Oncology, Urologic Clinic, University General Hospital of Iraclion. Radiology 1998, Imaging, Science & Oncology. 1 - 3 June 1998, Birmingham, UK. Supplement to volume 71 of the British Journal of Radiology.
A rare case of pregnancy associated with extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma (PNET- Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor). The effort of optimal radiotherapeutic management of the fetus and patients by special shielding techniques. Angelakis E., Manidakis LG, Orfanoudaki E., Barberis H *., Bardaki E., Sifakis S., Stefanaki P., Manidaki A., Koumantakis E. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Heraklion, Crete. * Department of Radiology, University Hospital Heraklion, Crete. European Society of Gynecological Oncology 11th International Meeting 8-12 May / 1999, Budapest, Hungary. Abstracts of European Journal of Gynecological Oncology, pp 117.
Renal artery doppler and hypertension in pregnancy. E.Vardaki, S. Sifakis, G. Manidakis, G. Froudarakis, E. Orfanoudaki, E. Koumantakis.Dept. Of Obstetrics & Gynecology University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.12th Congress International Perinatal Doppler Society, 1999. 2nd International Workshop on fetal asphyxia. Thessaloniki, Greece June, 10th -12th, 1999, pp 42.
Genital tuberculosis presenting as disseminated ovarian carcinoma with ascites and raised Ca-125. Angelakis E., Manidakis L., G., Manidaki A., Orfanoudaki E., Magou M., Sifakis S., Stefanaki P., Koumantakis E. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Heraclion Crete. 11th International Meeting of European Gynecological Oncology, 8-12 May 1999, Budapest, Hungary. Abstracts of European Journal of Gynecological Oncology, pp117.
Interleukin-11 concentration in the serum of women with spotaneous abortions. Sifakis S., Orfanoudaki E., Manidakis GL, Papadopoulou E., Angelakis E., Froudarakis G., Koumantakis E. 5th International Congress on the Cell Biology of Reproduction, 1-3 July 1999, Cambridge, UK.
Pulsatile oxytocin, myometrial contraction and partogram. Manidakis GL, Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Vardaki E., Zolindaki A., Magou M., Koumantakis E. 5th International Congress on the Cell Biology of Reproduction, 1-3 July 1999, Cambridge, UK.
Prostaglandin versus stripping of membranes in management of pregnancy beyond 40-41 weeks. G. Manidakis, S. Sifakis, E. Orfanoudaki, G. Mikelakis, P. Prokopakis, M. Magou, E. Koumantakis. XIV European Congress of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. Granada 29 September - 2 October 1999. Page 79-80, Vol 86 Supplement of European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
Vaginal misoprostol for labor induction. Kolibianakis E., Vardaki E., Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Mikelakis G., Tybanidis K., Koumantakis E.15th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology-EAGO / EBCOG 2000; 21-24 June 2000, Basel, Switzerland. Vol. 91 Suppl.1, S 14, of European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
Fetal lung maturation: the effect of combined administration of TRH and dexamethasone in pregnant women. Angelakis E., Sifakis S., Orfanoudaki E., Kolibianakis E., Vardaki E., Manidakis G., Koumantakis E. 15th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology-EAGO / EBCOG 2000; 21-24 June 2000, Basel, Switzerland. Vol. 91 Suppl.1, S 34, of European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
Efficacy and side effects of iv magnesium sulfate as a tocolytic agent. Sifakis S., Angelakis E., Orfanoudaki E., Kolibianakis E., Manidakis G., Mikelakis G., Koumantakis E.15th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology-EAGO / EBCOG 2000; 21-24 June 2000, Basel, Switzerland.Vol. 91 Suppl.1, S 33, of European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
Multispect imaging. A novel diagnostic tool. Helidonis E., Toska A., Koumantakis E., Prokopakis E., Stefanidou M., Kosmadaki M., Karatzanis A., Pagalos A., Orfanoudaki I., Balas K., Themelis G., Papadakis N., Pelekoudas D., Orfanos Y. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. New Orleans 24-29 September 1999. (1st Award Scientific Exhibit).
Hypofractionated Irradiation combined with 5-FU in the treatment of locally advanced breast carcinoma. Koukourakis, L. Kosma, J. Scarlatos, H. Zambatis, A. Giatromanolaki K. Beroukas, E. Orphanoudaki, J. Damilakis, D. Haldeopoulos, H. Varveris. 7th European Interuniversity Symposium 17-20 / 7/1997, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Optical biopsy of the uterine cervix using a multispectral imaging. Orfanoudaki I (1), Sifakis S (1), Themelis G (2), Fragouli D (2), Panayiotidis J (3), Vazgiouraki E (2), Balas C (2) and Koumantakis E (1). The XVIIIth European Congress on Obstetrics & Gynecology 12-15 / 5/2004, Athens, Greece.
Ectopic Pancreatic tissue in the gallbladder. Sevrisarianos N., Vakonakis N., Massoud Ch., Rokadakis A., Kouroupis A., Orfanoudaki E., Markaki K., Sifakis G., Lyronis E. 14th Panhellenic Surgery Conference. October 1994.
Diagnosis of ventricular treatment by superficial ECG. The criterion of variable and non-coupling of P (126). G. Vrouchos, N. Koumoutzias, K. Mallas, G. Hatzakis, G. Troulakis, S. Ellinakis, E. Kourgeraki, K. Meintanis, E. Orfanoudaki, M. Chalkiadaki, A. Havnavis Hadir, G. Avramaki, M. Nunelaki 7th Pancretan Medical Conference p. 224 November 1995.
Ventriculoatrial conduction detection in permanent paced patients from the ECG surface. The p wave coupling and p wave ciloscillation² between paced QRSS. G. Vrouchos, Hafnai Hander, St. Ellinikakis, P. Stasinos, A. Kioulpalis, I. Orfanoudaki, E. Lamprogianakis, M. Margaris, K. Mallas, L. Ploumidis. 8th annual meeting. October 1995 Limassol - Cyprus
Estimation of the amount and microbial flora of secretions above the tracheal airway during tracheostomy. Hatzakis G., Orfanoudaki E., Theodoraki O., Troulakis G. 8th Pancretan Medical Conference p. 47 Oct. 1996.
Removal of lost wire (J Wire) from the right heart cavities, case presentation. Hatzakis G., Orfanoudaki E., Vlastos N, O., Troulakis C 8th Pancretan Medical Conference Oct. 1996, EA054
Radial enteritis. On the occasion of two cases. A. Goumenou, E. Orfanoudaki, E. Zois, E. Gaganis, M. Velegrakis, S. Kandylakis. 8th Pancretan Medical Conference p. 138, Oct. 1996.
Differential diagnosis of right to left heart failure from pleural fluid gases. G. Vrouchos, K. Mallas, K. Kalligiannakis, M. Savvidou, E. Orfanoudaki, G. Hatzakis, G. Troulakis, E. Astrinaki, E. Papageorgiou, S. Ellinikis, K. Hachlioutis. 8th Pancretan Medical Conference p. 34 Oct. 1996.
New imaging techniques of spectroscopy and colorimetry for the early detection of tissue lesions of the lower genital system. AS Makrigiannakis, K.I. Balas, I. Matalliotakis, E. Orfanoudaki, A.N. Dimoka, E. Koumantakis. 7th Panhellenic Conference on Obstetrics - Gynecology, p. 147 May 1997.
Development of a new computer-integrated polarizing colposcope. E. Koumantakis, AS Makrigiannakis, E. Hassan, A.N. Dimoka, E. Orfanoudaki, K.I. Ball. 7th Panhellenic Conference on Obstetrics - Gynecology, p. 59 May 1997
Mammographic and ultrasound analysis of cases with indication of "breast formation" in a mixed population in the period 88-94. Dolapsakis G., Bibakis I., Prokopakis P., Matalliotakis I., Orfanoudaki E., Zolindaki A., Koumantakis E. 7th Panhellenic Conference on Obstetrics - Gynecology, p. 65 May 1997.
Treatment of the fetus during radiotherapy of pregnant women with co-existing neoplastic disease. Ch. Varveris, D. Chaldaopoulos, M. Koukourakis, I. Damilakis, B. Magou, Anton. Makrigiannakis, E. Orfanoudaki, Al. El. Sheikh, I. Matalliotakis, E. Koumantakis 7th Panhellenic Conference on Obstetrics - Gynecology, p. 22 May 1997.
Study - pilot of simultaneous chemotherapy and intra-abdominal brachytherapy for stages IIIA / B, IIIA cervical cancer. Koumantakis E., Charalampakis Z., Koukourakis M., Chaldaopoulos D., Mazonakis M., Livas V., Froudarakis G., Orfanoudaki E., Zolindaki A., Angelakis E., Varveris Ch. 7th Panhellenic Conference on Obstetrics, p. 92 May 1997.
Concomitant chemotherapy with Doxatel and CDDP in patients with advanced epidermal head and neck cancer (stages 2-4) Ch. Varveris, 1 D. Chaldaopoulos, 1 M. Koukourakis, 1 E. Orfanoudaki, 1 C. Skoulakis Velegrakis, 2 I. Bizakis, 2 Ch. Papadakis, 2 Z. Amanakis, 3 E. Helidonis.2 (1): Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology. (2): ENT Clinic of the Regional University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (3): ENT Clinic of Venizelio Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. 4th Panhellenic Congress of Radiotherapeutic Oncology. Athens 9-12 October 1997. p.277.
The radiotherapy strategy in operable breast cancer. Ch. Varveris, 1 A. Zolindaki, 2 E. Orfanoudaki2, D. Chaldaopoulos1, G. Pissakas3, I. Askoxylakis4, K. Romanidis4, D. Tsiftis. (1): Department of Radiotherapy Oncology, University of Crete. (2): Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the University of Crete. (3): B Radiotherapy Clinic of Agios Savvas Hospital. (4): Surgery Oncology Clinic of the University of Crete. 4th Panhellenic conference of radiotherapeutic oncology. Athens, 9-12 October 1997, p. 280.
Simultaneous Radiation chemotherapy in advanced cancer of the rectum and colon. Analysis of 26 cases. Ch. Varveris1, D. Chaldaopoulos1, M.Koukourakis1, M. Mazonakis1, E. Orfanoudaki1, I. Askoxylakis1, G. Chrysos2, O. Zoras2, K. Romanidis2, D. Tsiftis2 (1): Department of Radiotherapy Oncology (2): Clinic of Surgical Oncology University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. 4th Panhellenic Congress of Radiotherapeutic Oncology. Athens, 9-12October 1997, p. 288.
Determination of serum TNF-α levels in women with auto-abortion. Sifakis S, Matalliotakis I, Kyriakou D, Orfanoudaki E, Angelakis E, Koumantakis E. Annual Special Meeting of the Hellenic Obstetrics and Gynecology Society in collaboration with the Pancyprian Gynecology and Obstetrics Company. 19-20 September 1998, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Rare case of malignant neoplasm (peripheral neuroexoderm) tumor - PNET) in firstborn with 26 weeks gestation. The effort to protect the fetus during Radiotherapy. E. Orfanoudaki, G. L. Manidakis, P. Stefanaki, C. Varveris, D. Chaldaopoulos, M. Mazonakis, E. Angelakis, A. Zolindaki, M. Magkou, C. Kourousis, G. Samonis, E. Koumantakis, V. Georgoulias. University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. 3rd Panhellenic Congress of Gynecological Oncology, Athens 1-3 October 1998. Hellenic Oncology, page 44
Rare case of tuberculosis of the peritoneal cavity, manifested as metastatic ovarian cancer with ascites fluid and elevated levels Ca-125, in a 41-year-old woman. E. Angelakis, G. L. Manidakis, M. Magou, S. Sifakis, E. Orfanoudaki, E. Pallis, P. Stefanaki, D. Bouros, E. Koumantakis. 3rd Panhellenic Congress of Gynecological Oncology. Athens 1-3 October 1998 Hellenic Oncology, page 43.
Fetal hydrops and parvovirus -B19 S. Sifakis, G. Froudarakis, I. Matalliotakis, N. Martavatzis, E. Orfanoudaki, E. Koumantakis. Obstetrics - Gynecology Clinic of the University of Crete. 9th Pancretan Medical Conference, Heraklion, 5-8 November 1998, volume of abstracts p. 87, announcement 336.
Concomitant chemotherapy and intra-abdominal brachytherapy for stages II A / B, IIIA cervical cancer. Sifakis S1, Orfanoudaki E1, Koumantakis E1, Charalampakis Z1, Koukourakis MI, Chaldaopoulos D., Mazonakis MI, Mandolas PD, Messaritakis AI, Garedaki ED, Markodimitraki ED, Christodoulakis E.Varve. (1) Gynecology Clinic, (2) Department of Radiotherapy. Heraklion University Hospital. 9th Pancretan Medical Conference, Heraklion 5-8 November 1998, vol for summaries p. 28, notice 100.
Simultaneous radiotherapy (External + one Intra-abdominal application with Selectron MDR) and platinum derivative chemotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer (Stages IIA, IIB, IIIA). Ch. Varveris, E. Lyraraki, S. Kachris, D. Haldeopoulos, M. Mazonakis, N. Theocharopoulos, E. Orfanoudaki, E. Angelakis, A. Vasilaki, K. Giannadakis, G. Mikelakis, E. Koumantakis. 5th Panhellenic Congress of Radiotherapeutic Oncology. Thessaloniki 7 - October 10, 1999. Volume of Abstracts. Page 86.
The bioavailability of a single dose of 80 mg gentamicin in patients receiving undergo obstetric and gynecological surgeries. Angelakis E., Sifakis S., Tsatsakis A., Matalliotakis I., Goumenou A., Orfanoudaki E., Koumantakis E. the Panhellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 25-28 May 2000. Thessaloniki. Book of Abstracts, page 360.
Complete uterine rupture in a third trimester pregnancy. Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Angelakis E., Prokopakis P., Mikelakis G., Pappa K., Koumantakis E. 10th Pancretan Medical Conference, Rethymnon, Crete, November 9-12, 2000, page 73.
Ovarian torsion at 15 weeks gestation. Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Prokopakis P., Angelakis E., Vasilaki A., Koumantakis G., Koumantakis E. 10th Pancretan Medical Conference, Rethymno, Crete, 9-12 November 2000, page 74.
Water fibrosis and pregnancy. Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Angelakis E., Prokopakis P., Vardaki E., Giannadakis K., Koumantakis E. 10th Pancretan Medical Conference, Rethymno, Crete, 9-12 November 2000, page 138.
HPV infection and acute vulvar warts. Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Prokopakis P., Angelakis E., Relakis K., Giannadakis K., Koumantakis E. 10th Pancretan Medical Conference, Rethymno, Crete, 9-12 November 2000, page 139.
Prenatal screening and cystic fibrosis. Sifakis S., Papadopoulou E., Angelakis E., Froudarakis G., Orfanoudaki E., Koumantakis E. 10th Pancretan Medical Conference, Rethymno, Crete, November 9-12, 2000, page 141.
Administration of methotrexate to patients with ectopic pregnancy. Vasilaki A., Mikelakis G., Orfanoudaki E., Giannadakis K., Vardaki E., Koumantakis E. 10th Pancretan Medical Conference, Rethymnon, Crete, November 9-12, 2000, page 145.
The caesarean section in the decade 1991-2000 at the M / G Clinic of the University of Crete: indications, frequency, perinatal outcome. Sifakis S., Pappa K., Angelakis E., Orfanoudaki E., Martavatzis N., Koumantakis E. 11O Panhellenic Conference on Perinatal Medicine. Athens 3-4 March 2001, p. 129.
Rare case of tuberculosis of the peritoneal cavity occurring as metastatic ovarian carcinoma with ascites fluid and increased levels of CA 125. Manidakis GL, Angelakis E, Orfanoudaki E, Stefanaki P, Koumantakis E, Bouros D. 9th Pancretan Medical Conference. Heraklion 1998.
Vaginal bleeding in menopause. Kakoulaki Sofia, Argyrou Maria, Sifakis Stavros, Angelakis Emmanouil, Orfanoudaki Irini, Koumantakis Eugenios. 10th Scientific Conference of Medical Students of Greece. 14-16 May 2004 Thessaloniki.
Microcystic adenoma of the pancreas. E. Orfanoudaki, A. Goumenou, A. Vasilaki, N. Chroniaris, G. Hatzakis, M. E Vigli, S. Kandylakis. Medical Chronicles. Volume KBD, Issue 11, p. 548-550.
Automatic rupture of the spleen. A. Vasilaki, E. Orfanoudaki, A. Goumenou, E. Zois, M. Velegrakis, S. Kandylakis. Α΄ Χειρ / κο Τμήμα, Βενιζελείου Γ. Π.Ν. Heraklion, Crete. Medical Chronicles. Volume KD, Issue 4, p. 306-308.
Detection of risk factors for atherosclerotic disease in children aged 12-13 years, area of responsibility of K.Y. Rule of Heraklion. N. Drakonakis, E. Sevastaki, E. Orfanoudaki, Aik. Maraki. Primary Health Care, 10 (1): 9-13,1998.
Advantages and disadvantages of postoperative radiotherapy of regional lymph nodes and thoracic wall in breast cancer. Ch. Varveris1, E. Orfanoudaki², A. Zolindaki². 1: Department of Radiotherapy-Oncology PEPAGNI. 2: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology PEPAGNI. Greek radiology. Volume 29 (2): 119-125,1998.
Ca Breast: Local recurrence after mastectomy or conservative and radiotherapy. Treatment. G. Pissakas, C. Varveris, E. Orfanoudaki. Greek Oncology. Volume 34, Issue 2. April - June 1998.
Neurofibromatosis and pregnancy. Orfanoudaki E., Sifakis S., Koumantakis E. Greek Obstetrics and Gynecology. 12 (2): 141-146, 2000
Bacterial vaginosis and preterm birth: History and reality. G. Stratoudakis, E. Orfanoudaki, E. Koumantakis Hellenic Obstetrics & Gynecology 14 (2): 116-121, 2002.
Rare case of malignant neoplasm (peripheral neuroexodermal tumor - PNET) in firstborn with 26 weeks gestation. The effort to protect the fetus during Radiotherapy. E. Orfanoudaki, G. L. Manidakis, P. Stefanaki, C. Varveris, D. Chaldaopoulos, M. Mazonakis, E. Angelakis, A. Zolindaki, M. Magkou, C. Kourousis, G. Samonis, E. Koumantakis, V. Georgoulias. University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. 3rd Panhellenic Congress of Gynecological Oncology, Athens 1-3. October 1998. Hellenic Oncology, page 44.
Rare case of tuberculosis of the peritoneal cavity, manifested as metastatic ovarian cancer with ascites fluid and elevated levels Ca-125, in a 41-year-old woman. E. Angelakis, G. L. Manidakis, M. Magou, S. Sifakis, E. Orfanoudaki, E. Pallis, P. Stefanaki, D. Bouros, E. Koumantakis. 3rd Panhellenic Congress of Gynecological Oncology. Athens 1-3 October 1998 Hellenic Oncology, page 43.
Diagnosis of ventricular treatment by superficial ECG. Her criterion variable and non-coupling of P and visible or invisible P G. Vrouchos, N. Koumatzias, K. Meintanis, A. Kioulpalis, E. Papageorgiou, P. Stasinos, E. Orfanoudaki, M. Chalkiadaki, A. Havnavis Hunter, G. Avramakis. Hellenic Cardiac Inspection. Abstracts of free announcements and Poster of the 16th Panhellenic Cardiac Conference. pp. 153, October 1995.
Diagnosis of ventricular treatment by superficial ECG. Her criterion variable and non-coupling of P and visible or invisible P G. Vrouchos, N. Koumatzias, K. Meintanis, A. Kioulpalis, E. Papageorgiou, P. Stasinos, E. Orfanoudaki, M. Chalkiadaki, A. Havnavis Hunter, G. Avramakis. Hellenic Cardiac Inspection. Abstracts of free announcements and Poster 16 of the Panhellenic Cardiology Conference. pp. 153, October 1995.
The issue of 'benefits and harms' from postoperative radiotherapy to the regional lymph nodes and thoracic wall in breast cancer. D. Chaldaopoulos1, E.Orfanoudaki2, I.Aksoxylakis3, N.Vrachasotakis3 E, Angelakis2, G. Michelakis2, G. Metaxaris1, M. Mazonakis1, M. Koukourakis1, Ch.Varveris1. (1): Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology (2): Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic (3): Surgery-Oncology Clinic University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. 4th Panhellenic Congress of Radiotherapeutic Oncology. Athens, 9-12 October 1997, p. 309.
Fetal treatment during radiotherapy of pregnant women with coexisting neoplastic disease. Ch. Varveris1, D. Chaldaopoulos1, M. Koukourakis1, M. Mazonakis1, E. Orfanoudaki2, E. Angelakis2, G. Mikelakis2, A. Vasilaki2, A. Goumenou2, E. Koumantakis2. (1): Department of Radiation Therapy and Oncology (2): Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. 4th Panhellenic Congress of Radiotherapeutic Oncology. Athens 9-12 October 1997, p. 310.
The question of 'risk versus benefit' coming from postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy (breast, chest wall, regional lymph nodes) in the management of primary breast cancer. D. Haldeopoulos1, K. Romanidis2, E. Orphanoudaki3, E. Aggelakis3, G. Michelakis3, A. Zolindaki4, M. Koukourakis1, A. Basilaki3, G.Pissakas4, H.Varveris1. (1): Department of Radiology and Oncology. University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece. (2): Surgery and Oncology Clinic. (3): Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinics. (4): B Radiotherapy Clinic St Savvas Hospital Athens, Greece. 4th Panhellenic Congress of Radiotherapeutic Oncology. Athens 9-12 October 1997, p. 313.
The effect of socio-economic conditions on the perinatal outcome. Angelakis E., Vasilaki A., Koumantakis G., Mikelakis G., Orfanoudaki E., Giannadakis K., Koumantakis E. 6th Scientific Conference of Greek Medical Students Thessaloniki 12-14 May 2000. Book of abstracts p. 162.
Vaginal Hemorrhage in Menopause: A retrospective study in 235 women. Orfanoudaki E., Vardaki E., Angelakis Emm., Goumenou A., Koumantakis G., Froudarakis G., Koumantakis E. 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Menopause and Menopause Athens, 1-3 December 2000.
Hellenic Society of Obstetric & Gynecoloy Emergency. 'Pregnancy and Conovirus (COVID-19) 1' ON 23 March 2020
Hellenic Society of Obstetric & Gynecoloy Emergency. 'Pregnancy and Conovirus (COVID-19) 2' ON 29 March 2020
Hellenic Society of Obstetric & Gynecoloy Emergency. 'Pregnancy and Conovirus (COVID-19) 3' ON 4 April 2020
Attikoama- WEBINAR COVID-19. “Clinical Seminar-Management of pregnant and infertile couples in the Covid-19 pandemic 'April 15, 2020
Attikoama- WEBINAR COVID-19. “Clinical Problems and Guidelines in the Pandemic Era Covid-19, 13/12/2020
1 hour FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine 31 May 2020
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine on: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT), 31/1/2021
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine on: Ultrasound during and after labor. 14/2/2021
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine, 25/4/2021
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine, 28/2/2021
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine on: Intrauterine interventions, 14/3/2021
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine on: Neurosonology, 28/3/2021
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine on: Maternal medicine, 11/4/2021
2 hours FMF webinar course in Fetal Medicine: 25/4/2021
Updates in Gynecological Endoscopy: 1st Webinar Updates in hysteroscopy, 16/4/2021
Webinar: Young Women and Cervical Pathology. Management Strategies in 2021. 23/1/2021
1st Webinar: Hellenic Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology: COVID-19, 28/11/2021
2 hours FMF webinar courses in Fetal Medicine on: Maternal medicine, 6/6/2021
9th Maria Delivoria-Papadopoulos Perinatla Symposium, March 19th, 2022
Hybrid Scientific Conference on Colposcopy, Cytology, HPV tests, Biomarkers, Algorithms and Scoring system in the management of patients with cervical pathology. 26/2/2022.
Weninar REMAINING EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT from A to Z, 12 / February 2022.
Updates in Endoscopy. 2nd Webinar:! Updates in the management of fibroids. 17/12/2021
3rd Webinar: 'Updates in Minimal Invasive Hysterectomy ”8/4/22
Hematological disorders in pregnancy-childbirth-maternity. 7/5/2022