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Dr. Orfanoudaki Irene MD  PhD  - Colposcopy - Hysteroscopy



THE  colposcopy  is a special examination of the cervix which is done in case the Pap test shows lesions in the cells of the cervix (hardening).

One in 10 women will have a Pap test that is not normal.

These women can benefit from colposcopy, which will detect the extent of the damaged cells in the cervix.

Colposcopy examination is necessary in the following cases:

  • After an abnormal Pap test to evaluate its pathological results.

  • When there is vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse.

  • In abnormally visual cervix during the gynecological examination.

  • After diagnosis of external warts.

  • In persistent cervical inflammations.

  • Follow-up of women with cervical malformations after treatment.

THE  colposcopy  is a simple examination done at the gynecologist's office.

With the help of magnifying glasses, the gynecologist prepares the cervix with acetic acid solution,  (which can cause a cold or slight burning sensation but does not hurt) and looks for areas that are responsible for the damaged cells found on the Pap test.


If there are such areas, then small biopsies may be performed to confirm the extent of the lesion.

These biopsies do not hurt or in the worst case the woman feels a small sting.


In developed European countries, 10% of women who participate in the mass screening program for cervical cancer, receive a pathological result on the Pap test.

Colposcopy is considered necessary in these women to investigate the presence of precancerous lesions or early stage cancer.

During colposcopy it is usually possible to diagnose precancerous lesions of the cervix early and to effectively treat these lesions.

To ensure that the results of the colposcopy are representative and clear, it is important for a period of 2-3 days before the examination that no sexual intercourse, vaginal washing or use of vaginal medicine (suppository, cream) has taken place, as there is a possibility that they may mask abnormal cells and lead to incorrect assessment of the condition.

Colposcopy is a safe test during pregnancy, lasts about 5-10 minutes and is painless.




Hysteroscopy is a screening test  and correction of uterine abnormalities.

With hysteroscopy we check the uterine cavity, the endocervix and the fallopian tubes.


To perform the colposcopy, a very thin camera is inserted (3-5  mm) in the cervix and the uterine cavity is checked.

With this method  anatomical abnormalities are recognized , which can play an extremely important role for both women's health and infertility problems.

During the hysteroscopy, a polyp or fibroid can also be removed and a sample sent for histological examination to prevent serious health problems.

Reasons for a hysteroscopy are:

  • Heavy bleeding during the period or irregular period 

  • Bleeding after menopause

  • Sterility

  • Bleeding between periods

  • Polyp or fibroid

  • Pain in the pelvis

  • Multiple miscarriages 

  • Infertility


It is also considered necessary before entering an in vitro fertilization program, since the diagnosis of endometrial cavity abnormalities and their treatment can lead to an increase in the success rate.

There are 2 types of hysteroscopy:

Diagnostic hysteroscopy where possible  endocervical control  for polyps, adhesions, or malignancy, and  uterine cavity  for septum, adhesions, uterine abnormalities, fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, and malignancy.

The invasive hysteroscopy where at the same time with the control the surgical treatment of the problem is done either with the use of Laser or with the use of electrosurgical.

Polyps, adhesions or fibroids are usually removed during invasive hysteroscopy.

If such treatment is deemed necessary, the hysteroscopy is performed under general anesthesia.


Hysteroscopy is generally a painless examination and rarely does the patient feel something similar to period pains.

Then he can just take Depon painkillers.

Hysteroscopy cannot be performed if the patient is pregnant, has a vaginal or urinary tract infection, or has uterine cancer.

Also the hysteroscopy either diagnostic or invasive should be done in the first half of the woman's cycle and specifically  between 6th and  10th day  of the period.

Η ενημέρωση και η πρόληψη, αποτελούν τα όπλα κάθε σύγχρονης γυναίκας.

 Είμαι δίπλα σας για να σας ενθαρρύνω και να σας βοηθήσω μέσω από μία σχέση φροντίδας και ειλικρίνειας, 

τόσο στην πρόληψη, όσο και στην αποκατάσταση της υγείας σας !

Ειρήνη Ορφανουδάκη

ΟΡΦΑΝΟΥΔΑΚΗ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ MD, PhD  Μαιευτήρα�ς Χειρουργός Γυναικολόγος
Γυναικολογικό Ιατρείο 
Μαιευτήρας Χειρουργός Γυναικολόγος
Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης της Μαιευτικής - Γυναικολογικής κλινικής "Μητέρα" Ηρακλείου Κρήτης - Euromedica 

Clinic Hours:

By appointment

Mo, Tue, Thu from 09:00 to 14:00 & from 17:00 to 20:00 

We, Fri from 09:00 to 17:00

2810 343376 ( tel. & fax ) -  6945 268822 

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